Saturday, August 6, 2011


Because this is my first official post, and I am still very much a "learner" about blogging, I am going to delay my post of a Bible lesson for this weekend and explain what I hope God will use this blog to accomplish.
First, I intend to use this blog to hold myself accountable for teaching my children one Bible lesson to the two of them together each day.  With a daughter starting first grade and a son who's just two, planning lessons, stories, etc. will be a bit of a challenge, but I believe it's definitely worth it!  Just today, our daughter was throwing a bit of a fit (okay, a big fit) because she didn't get to take ballet lessons, go shopping, etc. "like her friends" do.  Now, I don't know any of her friends that take ballet, but okay...whatever...  I didn't pull out my Bible (which I should have), but I pulled up a website for Doctors Without Borders and showed her pictures of both adults and children in other countries who don't have enough to eat, have no shoes, have one set of clothing if that, and live in tents made from fabric and small branches.  Many of these people will die of malnutrition before hearing the Gospel.  I think it all became a little more real to her.  I worry about what I allow "the world" to teach my children without even realizing it.  I think her fit today stemmed from the commercials on Saturday morning cartoons. (We usually only watch videos that I've previewed in advance.)  With my kids soaking up so many worldly values, I want to combat that in every way possible!
If God chooses to use it as such, I also hope and pray that this blog would serve as an encouraging resource for other families, children's workers, and others.  I'd love to know what He has in mind, but I'll try and wait patiently for that! :)
Also, in an effort to be completely honest and open, I'd love to see God use this as an additional source of income for our family, but I'm leaving that up to Him!